Learning how to work with your business partner I

We had such a revelatory time together.
Put two self-employed practitioners together. Both with years of research and experience, many hours of client work, their own classes and coaching approach.  Ask them to create a programme about expressing desire and boundaries authentically.  Ask them to give their best.
And wait for drama…
Yes! Pure revelation.
When Drew Lawson and I followed the calling to work together, we may have got distracted with the fact our visions were extremely similar. So similar we may have not given much importance to the fact we had never done this together before. At least, not enough.

When sitting down or strolling along the park to define our programme, it all felt natural, inspiring and powerful.  

Often we concluded with a vibrating chest and ecstatic tingling going up the spine.  
The deep breathing helped and the sense we both believe in a world where people feel more free and more in-love, confirmed our desire to work together.  
But the overlooked bit about standing in front of people together, was, off course, the most challenging.  
Delivering the retreat in Portugal was our Jungian exercise of bringing the shadow of ‘control’ and ‘perfectionism’ out into consciousness. And not painlessly.  
Having designed amazing structures, inspired by so many masters and colleagues before us, there were times we felt we were living in each other’s minds. But there were a few situations we felt like on opposite sides of the planet, we faced blade-cutting professional differences and we both felt reactive and incredibly triggered in our discomfort.   
Yet, the flow took over.  
We both returned to Love.  
Each time, exercising detachment whilst navigating the waters of personal certainty… we came back to Love. Respect. Gratitude.  
And above all we came back to our participants. We focused our hearts onto their needs, and we trusted our individual needs would be met somehow, if not later. (Definitely through breath.)  
We have been told our capacity to hold such a gentle, challenging and transformative space felt like we have been doing this together for years.  
And they were right.  
We have.   
Just not knowingly.